Wednesday, November 18, 2015

I am still here...

We are getting close to Thanksgiving and I am not sure yet on what we are having.  I have a turkey still from last year.  I have some pumpkin and some apple pie filling.  I don't really want a traditional Thanksgiving meal though.  I have been trying to come up with some ideas. 

Christmas is going to be slim for my DD.  She did ask when Elfie was coming back this week.  The thing is, Elfie is gone.  He was lost in a move.  I am not sure how she is going to react and I cant afford the 30.00 to replace.  The one thing going for me is that I had Santa to only bring 3 presents and that everything else was from Mommy.  I had always figured I could manage the presents from Santa.  Now, I am not so sure. 

I did find a cute messenger bag that I should be able to make for her.  I have a pair of jeans that has ripped in the crotch.  Walmart jeans tends to rip there at about the 6 month mark.  Not sure why.  I am hoping I can find some cute material for the other part of the bag. 

I found the leftover yarn from where I made her a scarf last year for Christmas.  I think there is enough to make her a matching hat.  She love the scarf, so I think the hat will be a good choice. 

I am not sure what else to do for her.  I recently made her clean out her toy boxes and give up 2/3s as she had way too much stuff and still does.  She is a good kid over all. 

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